Life Coaching

All life areas are coachable. We will support you to gain clarity on your desired future for both your personal and professional life. You will be equipped with coaching tools to enable you create an actionable plan to achieve your desired future. 

Programme structure

  • Take the programme at your own pace
  • You will have 6 x 60min and 2 x 30min live-virtual coaching sessions

Why work with us

We pride ourselves on being a customer-centric organisation. We take staff training and development seriously so we can continue to provide quality services.

Structured support

You will work with an accredited coach. Your coach will be available to you in between coaching sessions via text, email, phone call and your course portal.
Could this course benefit you?

  • Do you feel that currently you aren’t reaching your potential, and thus, feel unfulfilled?
  • Is there a gap between where you are now and where you want to be?
  • Do you sometimes feel you don’t have the skills, resources or confidence to get something completed?
  • Do you feel stuck and put off making decisions or fail to stick to those decisions you have made?
  • Are you ready to entertain new and fresh ideas
  • Are you willing to be accountable for what you desire?

    If you answer yes to any of these questions, then coaching can most definitely support you to get your desired outcome.
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