Your Coaching Team

Here for you..

Expanding upon our reputation for one-to-one coaching, we now bring you a highly accessible platform for online learning - one that will expand your horizons  and give you the tools to reach your full potential

Priscilla Hackman-Asamoah

Managing Director / Coach
A successful coach in her own right, Priscilla delivers training as part of our core Leadership and Personal Development Programme teaching team. Learners / clients tell us that she has the ability to captivate and educate, using her extensive knowledge and charisma to the optimum. As a confidence and business coach, Priscilla loves delivering training and one-to-one coaching to groups and individuals who are keen to seek support to help them clarify exactly what they want, in order to gain their own insight into a situation and help them to transition from their current state to their desired end more effectively.

Etonam K. Asamoah

Business Development Lead / Trainer
Etonam is one of the leading trainers within the Leadership and Management sector. He started his career in training as an IT (Information Technology) teacher in 1995 and quickly progressed into retail banking leadership where his love for developing people peaked. Gaining experience in the IT and banking sectors, Etonam pursued a role in managing charitable organisations. He is presently the UK National Head for a multi-national charity organisation.
Also, Etonam has a high interest in the Securities arena. He has developed himself highly in the field and has attained an accredited Security Personnel Trainer status. Etonam’s teachings will leave you inspired and positively challenged to take action.

Visiting Coaches / Trainers 

The college engages the expertise of other coaches/trainers who share in our values, and with the necessary skills to deliver bespoken lessons as and when required. 
Visiting Coaches
Number of happy clients
COMBINED Coaching Certifications
Number of goals achieved

What our clients have to say

Curge Hill College is the place to go if you are serious about results!
I had so many ideas but was not sure how to bring to reality. PGod-sent. I had my euraka moment when I attended the coaching sessions.
Eric B
Been so helpful in developing my confidence in finally going private and starting my business. Very motivational and clear in terms of making the process transparent.
Shanda S
I had a rich day and experience in training with Curge Hill College as they brought spheres of leadership alive and even related these to lived experiences of known personalities.
Bukola A

Words I live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney

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